What is the ADOS-2? 

The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Second Edition or ADOS-2, is an assessment protocol tool involving a series of tasks and direct observation of behaviors, in order to assess for features of autism or ASD. A trained clinician will interact with and observe an individual’s communication, social interaction, play and imagination skills.

At NeurAbilities Healthcare, ADOS-trained clinicians are available to evaluate your child (or adult) as well as collaborate with your behavioral team. 

Modules of the ADOS-2 

The ADOS-2 is made up of 4 modules (plus a Toddler Module), with just one selected to help diagnose and assess indicators of autism depending on the individual’s age, developmental level and language level:

  • Toddler Module: for children between 12 and 30 months of age who do not consistently use phrase speech
  • Module 1: for children who use little or no phrase speech
  • Module 2: for children who use phrase speech but do not speak fluently; with the ability to walk taken as a developmental requirement
  • Module 3: for children and younger adolescents who are verbally fluent 
  • Module 4: for older adolescents and adults who are verbally fluent

Other Tests That Can Help to Diagnose

Other autism diagnostic measures we use include the ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised), SCQ (Social Communication Questionnaire), and SRS-2 (Social Responsiveness Scale-2).

At NeurAbilities Healthcare, we are proud of the services we provide and the strength of our relationships with patients and families. We share in their improvements and successes every day. Watch these stories for more inspiration.

NeurAbilities is a proud member of CNNH NeuroHealth.

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