by NeurAbilities | Apr 21, 2024 | Autism, Blog, Community, Education, Featured, featured post, Mental Health, Social Skills
🦋 The butterfly effect 🦋 explains that a seemingly small action can result in significant ripple effects or moments. We are grateful for our committed interdisciplinary team of dedicated professionals at NeurAbilities, and we have been capturing these ‘Butterfly...
by NeurAbilities | Apr 15, 2024 | Autism, Blog, Community, Education, Featured, featured post, Mental Health, Social Skills
🦋 The butterfly effect 🦋 explains that a seemingly small action can result in significant ripple effects or moments. We are grateful for our committed interdisciplinary team of dedicated professionals at NeurAbilities, and we have been capturing these ‘Butterfly...
by NeurAbilities | Jun 23, 2023 | Autism, Education, Mental Health, Social Skills, Webinars
Dr. Azlen Theobald will discuss the varying symptoms of autism, how symptoms can present in biological males and females, review brain structure differences associated with autism, and provide reasons why autism can be overlooked in girls. (The presentation begins at...
by NeurAbilities | May 22, 2023 | Autism, Blog, Developmental Page, Education, Home Guide, Mental Health, Social Skills, Webinars
When our children are born, we look forward to the day when we first hear them say “mama” or “dada”, they wave bye-bye and take their first steps. These are developmental milestones and are indications of a child’s developmental progress throughout their childhood....
by NeurAbilities | May 8, 2023 | Autism, Community, Development, Education, May, News
Children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a growing patient population with the most recent data from the CDC indicating 1 in 36 children (identified by age 8) are diagnosed with ASD. It has historically been observed at a higher rate among...
by NeurAbilities | Apr 7, 2023 | Autism, Blog, Community, Education, Featured, Mental Health, Press Center, Social Skills
Thanks to CBS Philadelphia | KYW-TV for coming out to capture the ribbon cutting and excitement at our Seaport ABA Clinic in Chester, PA yesterday! We were thrilled to meet the many local families and community members who joined us and we look forward to being a...