by NeurAbilities | Jul 31, 2023 | Events
The 2023 “Autism Play Date” Saturday, August 12th 12pm-4pm At the “Ausome” Smith Memorial Playground & Playhouse 3500 Reservoir Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19121 special performance by Puppets Pizazz You must register at:...
by NeurAbilities | May 9, 2023 | Blog, Community, Events, May
REGISTRATION SYNERGIES IN AUTISM CARE: FROM ABA TO OTHER THERAPIES Description: When a child is diagnosed with autism, a proposed treatment plan might include a variety of therapies in addition to parent support and even medication. How do parents determine which...
by NeurAbilities | May 8, 2023 | Autism, Community, Development, Education, May, News
Children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a growing patient population with the most recent data from the CDC indicating 1 in 36 children (identified by age 8) are diagnosed with ASD. It has historically been observed at a higher rate among...
by NeurAbilities | Apr 12, 2023 | Blog, Community, Events, May
REGISTRATION DEVELOPMENTAL MILESTONES AND INDICATORS FOR INTERVENTION Description: When our children are born, we look forward to the day when we first hear them say “mama” or “dada”, they wave bye-bye and take their first steps. These are developmental...
by NeurAbilities | Apr 5, 2023 | April, Blog, Community, Events
by NeurAbilities | Dec 19, 2022 | Events, January
January 25, 2023 REGISTRATION New Diagnosis and Timely Interventions – New Jersey Description: Research shows that early screening, diagnosis and interventions improve lifelong outcomes in children with autism. Discover how to access the wealth of early...