For Ages 6-8 and 9-11 Years
Why Music Therapy: Music Therapy offers an opportunity to connect socially with peers in a fun, safe environment while learning and practicing skills such as turn-taking, communication, and appropriate self-expression.
COVID-19 & Social Distancing: Groups will be capped at 4 participants in a large room, to allow for safe distancing and following of our COVID-19 safety protocols.
DATES: July 10th through August 28th, 2020
COST: $320 for 8 Sessions
GROUP 1*: Ages 6-8 | Fridays | 4:00 to 4:45pm
*One caregiver needs to be present during each group session to encourage proper social distancing.
GROUP 2: Ages 9-11 | Fridays | 5:00 to 5:45pm
Contact Us to Inquire:
856.356.0005 x1070