NeurAbilities Mar 9 2022 AutismBlogEducationMental HealthSocial SkillsTipsWebinars
This webinar presentation was hosted and recorded by the NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome… Dr. Cristina Sperrazza will speak about the benefits of a neuropsychological evaluation. She will provide a brief explanation of neuropsychology, an overview of the...
NeurAbilities Jan 5 2022 ABA PageAutismBehaviorBlogDevelopmentDevelopmental PageFeaturedHome GuideWebinars
Presenter: Erin O’Brien, BCBA Board Certified Behavior Analyst, NeurAbilities Healthcare Many parents will (initially) find some conveniences associated with sharing a bed with their young children. After weeks, months, or years, however, co-sleeping may...
NeurAbilities Dec 21 2021 ABA PageAutismAutism PageBehaviorBlogDevelopmentFeaturedHome GuideWebinars
Many children quickly learn that whining, crying and screaming can be very effective in getting what they want. Unfortunately, this approach can be very stressful and upsetting to parents. If your child has fallen into the habit of whining, crying, or screaming to get...
NeurAbilities Dec 7 2021 ABA PageAutismBehaviorBlogDevelopmental PageEducationFeaturedWebinars
Presenter: Erin O’Brien, BCBA Board Certified Behavior Analyst, NeurAbilities Healthcare When should a child transition from ABA clinic services to school-based services? In this presentation, NeurAbilities’ Erin O’Brien, BCBA will discuss how to...
NeurAbilities Dec 7 2021 AutismAutism PageBlogEpilepsy AwarenessFeaturedNeuroscience PageSeizuresWebinars
Presented by Mark Mintz, M.D., Chief Medical Officer Epilepsy can occur in up to 40% of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and is an increasing risk factor with age. Learn the signs and symptoms of seizure activity and whether staring behavior can be a...
NeurAbilities Mar 30 2021 ABA PageAutismAutism PageBlogCommunityDevelopmental PageNeuroscience PagePsychological PageWebinars
A Collaborative Approach in Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Thank you to Autism Speaks for co-hosting this Webinar Panel presentation! Learn how collaborative approaches that highlight the strengths of a child with autism, while recognizing their...